Andrzej Mazur was born in 1979. He is a Dublin based visual artist with Polish roots who works mainly with paintings. He holds a Master of Fine Arts degree from University of Maria Curie-Sklodowska, Lublin, Poland. He specialized in fine art prints. For the last 15 years of his professional artist practice he has been exhibited extensively in Ireland and abroad.
Artist Statement
“Human form is the dominant element in my art. In this way, my work simultaneously gains a unique humanistic and existential aspect. The heroes of my paintings are flesh and blood figures tangled in a web of various dependencies and constraints, which have their origins both in human relations, and the internal experiences and dilemmas of the people in each composition. The composition is usually limited to one person, sometimes two. They are placed in a confined space, even if it is a landscape scene. The figure blends with it and passes through it. This allows me to suggest a direct relationship that is not just physical, but is above all a mental relationship between individual characters and their surroundings.
What I’m finding important are the narrative character of works, the element of narration, yet one that separates what is presented from what that which is presented signifies. I’m presenting forms that yield to the law of gravity, being at the same time gifted with irony and sarcasm.”
Born 1979. I'm a Dublin base visual artist with Polish roots, working mainly with paintings and printmaking. I hold a Master of Fine Art degree from University of Maria Curie-Sklodowska, Lublin,Poland. After graduation in 2005, I moved to Dublin and become an active member of Dublin Graphic Studio for many years.
For the last 15 years of my professional artist practice I’ve been exhibited extensively in Ireland and abroad from Berlin to Tokyo. My works has been regularly selected for Royal Hibernian Academy and Royal Ulster Academy Annual Exhibition. In 2010 I was selected for a prestigious exhibition “Surreal in Irish Art” at the F.E. McWilliam Gallery. My work is held in private and public collections nationally and internationally.
In my recent art practice I’m taking the images which have the historical weight of past traditional styles and create something completely different in modern language. These works does not serve to illustrate, but rather to generate new meanings, create new associations, and sensitize our relation to the sphere of human experience that it incorporates.
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