Dale Appleman has been painting most of her life. She grew up in NYC and resides in Washington, DC. She has had solo and group exhibitions in NYC, Washington, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Norfolk and Stamford and been featured in publications and purchased for public, private and corporate collections.
Artist Statement
I think of my work as a conversation between abstraction and figuration—some metaphorical territory between word and image. I like upending genres — still lives as landscapes & vice versa, liquid landscapes, gestural mixed with linearity. I build color in overlays, the traces of what’s beneath suggest dimension and depth. My medium is usually oil or acrylic, on paper or canvas, but color is my painting’s engine: its power, nuance & emotion compressing two dimensions into something resonant.
2020 Selected for the Women Artist’s Challenge to post work for 7 days.
2019 Night, Honorable Mention, Mansion at Strathmore Hall, Bethesda, MD
2018 Small Wonders Circle Gallery, MFA Annapolis, MD. Juror : Susan Badder, MICA
2017 DC Commission on the Arts & Humanities, grant for acquisition of 3 paintings for the 2018 DC Art Bank
2016 8th National Juried Exhibition, Prince Street Gallery, NYC. Juror: Graham Nickson, painter & Dean of NY Studio School Phantasmagoria, Idio Gallery, Brooklyn NY
2015 Faber Birren National Color Award Show, Stamford Art Association, Juror Anna Swinbourne, former MOMA painting curator and independent curator and art historian.
Absolutely Abstract Philadelphia Sketchbook Club, juried Su Horty, Charles Kalick & Al Gury
Women Do It! United Nations’ Commission on the Status of Women Conference, NYC, & travelling across U.S.
Everyone We Know, The Art House Sketchbook Project, DC Museum of Contemporary Art; travelling show: Atlanta, Washington, DC, Brooklyn, NY
No Place Like Home, Art Scene Today, NYC Juror Kathleen Sowle
Heart & Soul, Foundry Gallery, Washington DC
Eruptions, Foundry Gallery, Washington DC
Works on Paper, Foundry Gallery, Washington DC
Chrysler Museum Regional Show, Irene Leache Memorial Art Exhibition, Andre Emmerich juror,
Eruptions, Pace-Price Gallery, San Francisco, CA,
Works on Paper, Hood College, Md, Louis Andre, curator,
The Eye of Grace Hartigan, Grace Hartigan juror, WWAC, Washington DC
Dale Appleman & Eva Montville, Stuart Mott House, Washington DC
Phillips Collection Art Auction, Barbara Fiedler Gallery, Washington DC
DC Invitational Bicentennial Show, District Building, Alice Denny curator, Washington DC
2018 Latitude exhibition catalog, published by the Alper Initiative for Washington Art
2016 Challenging Abstraction: An Interview with Dale Appleman, AWT Magazine, NYC
In Praise of Women Artists, one of 12 artists selected for 1981, Bo Tree Press, San Francisco, [Hirshhorn Sales Gallery]
Contemporary Women Artists, Bo Tree Press, San Francisco
Heart & Soul, Foundry Gallery, Washington DC Washington Review, Lee Fleming
Eruptions, Pace-Price Gallery, San Francisco, CA, Berkeley Gazette, Cathy Curtis
Landscape, The Arts Gallery, Baltimore The News American, Craig Hankin
COLLECTIONS [selected]
DC Commission on the Arts & Humanities/Washingtonia Collection, Hill & Knowlton Inc., Standard Oil of Ohio, MCI /VerizonCorp., Kress/Cox Architects, Alain deBerc/Gestam Corp (Paris), Guardian Federal S&L, NJRA Architects Inc, Blue Circle Foods,David Edwards Ltd, Baltimore, Novare Capital & many private collections
Grew up in New York City. High School of Music & Art, B.A., Skidmore College with honors in art and art history. Worked at theMetropolitan Museum of Art and as a graphic designer in Washington, DC. Exhibited in solo and group shows in Washington, NewYork, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Norfolk & Stamford, featured in publications & purchased for public, private and corporate collections.
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