My work is rooted in the sense of touch, our physical relationships with the materials, and surfaces of the world. These relationships are translated through the interplay of drawing and painting materials and the surfaces to which they are applied: the sinking, seeping, and leaching of ink into gesso; the tack, crumble, and slide of graphite on paper. Haptic stimulation short-circuits conscious interference, tapping into memories and feelings that represent primal relationships to the world. Topics, themes, and ideas are then developed as representational associations with the imagery emerging from the process.
Jeffry Miller
2015 Apertures, Windward School, LosAngeles, CA I 2009 Interludes and Sketches, Nancy Grant for Artists, Los Angeles, CA I 2002 Gallery 825/LAAA, Los Angeles, CA I 2001 The Armies of Metaphor, Artplace, Venice, CA I 1995 In the House of Oedipus, BeaverCountry Day School,MA I 1994 In Memorium, Koppelman Gallery, Tufts University, MA
2019 Ink & Clay 44, Cal State Poly, Pomona, CA I 2017 Fifth Annual Abstract Sanctuary, Verum Ultimum Art Gallery, Portland, OR I 2017 Brand 45 Works on Paper, Brand Art Center, Glendale, CA I 2013 The Faculty Show, Windward School, Los Angeles, CA I 2011 The Faculty Show, Windward School, Los Angeles, CA I 2009 Lou We Gallery, South Pasadena, CA I 2009 Fresh Start, for Para Los Ninos, Arena 1 Gallery, Santa Monica, CA I 2008 Project_210, Project _210,Pasadena, CA I 2008 External/Internal, SCIART, California StateUniv. Channel Islands, CA I 2008 Art for Clare, Clare Foundation,Santa Monica, CA I 2008 My Space, SCA, Pomona, CA I 2007 The Open Show, Howard N. Fox, curator, Gallery 825/LAAA, Los Angeles, CA I 2007 Painting’s Edge, Riverside Art Museum, Riverside, CA I 2006 Frontand Center, L.A. Gay and Lesbian Center, Los Angeles, CA I2006 H2Eau, Red Brick Gallery, Venice, CA I 2006 Pure and Nimble, Gallery 825/LAAA, Los Angeles, CA I 2001 An Exhibition of 18 Artists, Hollywood Digital, Los Angeles, CA I 2001 Kudzu #3, The Hatch, Los Angeles,CA I 2001 Mail Art Exchange, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, CA I 2000 Are You Interested? Labor, Smartgals Productions, Los Angeles, CA I 2000 Inaugural Exhibition, RaidProjects, Santa Ana, CA I 2000 Kudzu #1, Avatar Gallery, Pomona,CA I 2000 Off the Wall, Miller/Durazo, Los Angeles, CA I 2000 Legal Paper Work, Beyond Baroque, Venice, CA I 2000 Rock, Paper, Scissors,Gallery 825, Los Angeles, CA I 2000 Are You Interested? Taxation, Smartgals Productions, Los Angeles, CA I 2000 The Shock of the New, Gallery 825, Los Angeles, CA I 2000 Absolut Bottled Secret, Santa Monica Museum of Art, Santa Monica, CA I 2000 Are You Interested? Valentines Day, Smartgals Productions, Los Angeles, CA
2017 Mas Els Igols, Spain I 2007 Paint- ing’s Edge, Idyllwilde, CA I 1995 Beaver Country Day School, Brookline, MA
2020 COLLEXART Purchase Award
2005-Present Visual and Media ArtsChair, Windward School, LosAngeles, CA Direct program, including development of curriculum and pedagogy, faculty recruitment and evaluation, exhibitions, visiting artists and artist residency, budgets and facilities.
1996-Present Visual and Media ArtsTeacher, WindwardSchool, Los Angeles, CA Teach grades 7-12 in Painting, Drawing, Printmaking,Sculpture, Ceramics, Photography, and Graphic Design.
1995-1996 Visual Arts Teacher, Beaver Country Day School, Brookline, MA Taught grades 7-12 in Painting, Drawing and Printmaking
1994 MFA, Tufts University, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA
1987 BA, cum laude, Philosophy, Tufts University, Medford, MA
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