Though working in different mediums, Lonna Tucker and Eva Bartel both share a love of the natural landscape of North America.
Though working in different mediums, Lonna Tucker and Eva Bartel both share a love of the natural landscape of North America.
Photographer, Lonna Tucker, works "to create images that convey a study of contrasts ... it is mood that always draws me in — the quiet time after dusk, the fog rolling in, reflected canyon light, or the calm after a clearing storm." Watercolorist, Eva Bartel, is "drawn to the natural landscape..." and produces her work both en plein air and in her studio.
Working with a large-format camera, Tucker captures vistas rich with detail and color depth. Bartel, on the other hand, uses her brush to capture the essence of a scene capturing the feeling of a place in one sitting when working a Plein Air.
Lonna Tucker is an American photographer, living and working in the Southwest desert. She is a widely published commercial photographer with personal work featured in View Camera Magazine, Outdoor Photographer, and in Arizona Highways publications.
An architect by training, Eva started painting professionally in 1993. She was elected to the Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour in 2010. She is one of five Canadian artists to have work exhibited as part of the 2019 Royal Watercolour Society Contemporary Watercolour Competition in London, UK.,